
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two baby Gorillas Born

Rugendo baby born to Lubutu and Bukima bring the family members to six.

Virunga National Park rangers discovered two baby gorillas born into the Rugendo and Humba gorilla families. This is the first baby to survive for mother Lubutu and father Bukima in the Rugendo family, bringing the small group to six members. The new Humba baby makes 15 for the family.

Lubutu is the only female in the Rugendo family. Her last baby died after only two days. We have worked hard to protect all of our gorillas, and are especially happy to see a new baby in this family. We feel like celebrating.

Mother Lubutu was originally part of the Humba family, but chose to switch to the Rugendo family in 2008. Her first baby died in 2009 after only two days. Although we are not certain of the cause, we believe it was killed due to fighting among the adult males in the group.

The Rugendo family is best known for the massacre in 2007 when Senkwekwe and five other members of the family were killed. Silverback Rugendo and an infant also died at the hands of humans in earlier incidents. Rangers and the wardens are encouraged by the survival and growth of this family.

Mother Gashangi from the Humba family holds tightly to her newborn baby.
The Humba mother, Gashangi, is very protective of her baby and nervous around humans. She grudgingly follows her family when they exit the forest, as they often do.
Story and Photo Credit Here

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