
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

PETA Persuades Dancing With The Stars to Stop Using Chimpanzees, YEAH FOR PETA!!!!!

Look how sad he looks.........

Ready to be a judge on 'Dancing With the Stars?' PETA may have saved the show not only from treating an animal badly, but from a bad idea generally.
Ready to be a judge on 'Dancing With the Stars?' PETA may have saved the show not only from treating an animal badly, but from a bad idea generally.
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An announcement on Monday night's "Dancing With the Stars" revealed that a chimpanzee would be among the guest judges on the following night's program.

But you may have noticed that there was no chimp on the show Tuesday night. Instead, a toddler was a guest judge.

Here's how it went down: The announcement prompted PETA to ask "DWTS" executive producer Conrad Green on Tuesday to cancel the chimp appearance.

PETA cited concerns about how great apes are separated from their mothers, beaten and shocked in training, and discarded once they become too large to handle safely.

PETA also sent Green this short video, narrated by Anjelica Huston, which illustrates the many problems associated with using great apes on TV and in film.

Green e-mailed PETA to say that he would re-cut Tuesday night's segment and remove the chimpanzee and he vowed that he will never again use chimpanzees in his productions.

"If I had been aware of the information you outlined below I wouldn’t have proceeded with the shoot in the first place, so I’ve decided on balance to re-cut the package we use in tonight’s show to remove any footage of the chimpanzee" Conrad wrote. "While I can’t undo the fact that we did shoot with a chimpanzee I will be sure we don’t do this again in the future."

Green aired the segment sans chimp -– having replaced the chimp with a toddler.

Thankfully, it wasn't one of the Gosselin 8. Jon Gosselin would have had a fit.

Keep reading for the whole "DWTS" correspondence to PETA:

Dear Michael

Sorry for the rush but I’ve drafted this e-mail that I’ve been sending to people today. We’re pulling the chimp elements from the piece -- I wasn’t aware of these issues.

Thank you for your e-mail. We decided to use the chimpanzee for a package today and taped the package last week. While I didn’t personally attend the shoot, I’m assured that throughout the shoot the chimpanzee seemed happy and well-treated. We have followed the network’s broadcast standards guidelines in the setting up of this shoot and the process was overseen by the American Humane Association. We really have tried everything we can to ensure that we did this the right way and would never have proceeded if we thought that the animal was in distress or being ill-treated.

However, I wasn’t aware of the information you have kindly provided about the way that chimpanzees are sometimes treated when trained for entertainment purposes. While I have no reason to believe that the chimp we used was treated in this way I do appreciate your point that showing a chimpanzee on our show may indirectly lead to other chimpanzees being ill-treated in the future. If I had been aware of the information you outlined below I wouldn’t have proceeded with the shoot in the first place, so I’ve decided on balance to re-cut the package we use in tonight’s show to remove any footage of the chimpanzee. While I can’t undo the fact that we did shoot with a chimpanzee I will be sure we don’t do this again in the future.

I hope this allays your concerns and I appreciate you getting in touch with me. We would never intentionally harm an animal in the process of making our show, and I hope you can continue to enjoy Dancing With the Stars in the future. I may send this e-mail to other people who have objected to the use of a chimpanzee on the show... I hope you don’t mind. I’m rather pressed for time today and can’t craft an individual response to everyone!

Yours sincerely

Conrad Green
Executive Producer
Dancing With the Stars

Source and video

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