
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Study Challenges Importance of Chimpanzees in Research! JUST STOP DOING THEM!

BOSTON, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A recently released paper published
in the journal Alternatives to Laboratory Animals (ATLA 37, 399-416), presents
a serious challenge to long-standing claims that animals are an important part
of human cancer research. "An Examination of Chimpanzee Use in Human Cancer
Research" found that chimpanzees, our closest genetic relatives, have
contributed little to combating cancers and cost society not only time but
wasted research dollars. The paper comes on the heels of a national ad
campaign (ResearchSaves, Sept.16, 2009) launched by the Foundation for
Biomedical Research advocating animal use.

Geneticist Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., Science Director for Project R&R: Release and
Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories conducted a comprehensive
analysis of the use of chimpanzees in cancer research over the past four
decades as well as proposed future uses.

According to Bailey, "There are significant biological differences between
humans and chimpanzees. Despite an overall - although superficial - genetic
similarity to humans, and despite claims by the research industry, chimpanzees
have proven to be a poor model for human cancer research."

The study found that chimpanzee tumors are extremely rare and biologically
different from human cancers. Literature describing potential new cancer
therapies tested in chimpanzees included significant caveats concerning
species differences, and described interventions that had not been pursued in
humans, presumably due to adverse reactions. Further, available evidence
indicates that chimpanzees are not essential in the development of monoclonal
antibody therapies for cancer treatment.

The U.S. is the only remaining large-scale user of chimpanzees in biomedical
research in the world. Arguments regarding the inefficacy of chimpanzee use in
biomedical research for humans have been mounting. H.R. 1326, the Great Ape
Protection Act, was recently introduced to the House of Representatives. The
bill seeks to end invasive biomedical research and testing on an estimated
1,000 chimpanzees remaining in U.S. laboratories.

The study concludes: "It would be unscientific to claim that chimpanzees are
vital to cancer research and reasonable to conclude that cancer research would
not suffer if the use of chimpanzees were prohibited in the U.S." The cancer
paper follows other studies investigating chimpanzee use to study human health
and disease, including HIV/AIDS vaccine development. That study found
chimpanzee use has not benefited but rather has hindered our search for an
effective human vaccine against HIV/AIDS.


Karen Smith of NEAVS, +1-617-523-6020, Alternate: +1-917-701-7453,


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