
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Laura Burlos, Owner of Sammy The Monkey, Is Hiding Him Now

Laura Burlos should have placed her poor little monkey Sammy in a good sanctuary so he could at least have a somewhat natural life. He lives by himself with no others of his own kind and for God sake, she had his teeth pulled out! What kind of person or vet would do such a inhumane thing to any animal?! How would the owner like to eat without any teeth?

It's a known fact by previous monkey owners that have had their monkeys' teeth pulled out they can still crush your bones and break fingers. This is an accident waiting to happen. Sounds as though she's hiding him, for what? He's not in danger of anything except going back to the same inhumane situation that he came from. It's the public around him that's in danger. I'm sure we will hear about poor little Sammy in the future, unfortunately. I just wish people would think of the animal and their needs instead of themselves. My heart goes out to you Sammy, and hopefully Laura your love for Sammy will give you the courage to make the right decision for him. DO some research on the effects that just a 10lb monkey can do, you can find some of those photos on this blog.


LaPorte monkey out of home temporarily

Owner won't reveal where animal is staying.

Tribune Correspondent

A LaPorte woman has placed her pet monkey, "Sammy," into a temporary home.

Laura Burlos said she did it for the animal's safety and plans to bring the monkey back home once the onslaught of attention dies down.

"I just want to make sure Sammy is OK," she said.

Some news agencies are reporting the monkey was taken to an animal sanctuary.

Burlos, though, said she's keeping quiet on the temporary location of her beloved monkey.

"He's being taken care of," she said.

Sunday night, the 10-month-old daughter of Burlos' niece was grabbed by the monkey when Sammy reached out through the bars of his cage in the Burlos residence on Cable Street.

The baby's grandmother, Tonya Green, was holding the baby at the time.
Sammy pulled the baby against the cage by the hood of the infant's coat and by the hair. The baby was treated for a rope burn to her neck from the string on her coat along with a bruise to the head.

Ever since the attack, Burlos said the attention brought on by news coverage of the event has been overwhelming.

Burlos said strangers have come over looking through her front window to try and catch a glimpse of the monkey, and while leaving the house in her vehicle she's been followed a couple of times.

Burlos said she and her husband, Richard, haven't been threatened but feel harassed.

"They're treating me like somebody that's living in our household killed somebody. I feel like a prisoner in my own home," Burlos said.

Burlos also said people are bringing up the tragedy from the East Coast involving a woman having her face disfigured, which she feels is way off base.

"That was a chimpanzee. A chimpanzee weighs 250 pounds and has teeth. Sammy is 10 pounds with no teeth," Burlos said.

She had his teeth pulled over a year ago as a precaution.

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