
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Has There Been a Report Stating How Long Travis The Chimpanzee Had Been Drugged?

Chicago, Nov 18 (THAINDIAN NEWS) There is mounting evidence that the 200-pound chimp that attacked the hapless Charla Nash in February this year was drugged. Live Science reported that the chimp was taking Xanax, which is an anti-anxiety medication used for humans-beings. When individuals are on Xanax, or it’s chemical name benzodiazepines, then they demonstrate increased aggression. This could be the reason behind the brutal 12 minute attack that left Charla Nash blind as well as the chimp mauled and ate Charla’s hands, nose, lips, eyelids, and broke bones in her face.

CBS News reported in May 2009 that “Police say toxicology tests showed Travis was drugged with Xanax…” No prescription for the medication was found, and Stamford police Captain Richard Conklin said that, “It looks like third-party Xanax, and certainly it’s questionable whether she should have administered it to her pet.

This crucial discovery raises a lot of questions. As earlier this year the victims Charla Nash’s family had filed a $50 million lawsuit against the chimp’s owner Sandra Herold. However Sandra Herold’s attorney, Joseph Gerardi of Stamford, believes that his client and the chimp’s owner is not at all responsible for the attack. He said that Sandra Herold should not be held liable for the attack. “I believe it was a tragic accident,” he said.

But if the animal was drugged, then certainly somebody was administering the drug, so that person is certainly liable for the damage and the havoc created in Charla Nash’s life.

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