
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Great Ape Trust Has To Move Apes. What a Tragedy!

These Apes, in the future, will have to live in smaller habitats then what they are use to, they no longer will be able to use their minds, though instead, be victims of starring, pointing and yelled out by the public. What a real shame for the knowledge that will be lost.


Des Moines' colony of orangutans will be shipped to a home in another state in 2013 because Blank Park Zoo officials declined to build a center for the Great Ape Trust of Iowa apes.

A zoo outside of Iowa will become the new home for six orangutans now living at the Des Moines research facility and five more now living at a California facility. Trust officials declined to name the zoo because negotiations are still under way.

The developments means the end of Great Ape Trust's original plan to have all four great ape species and an elaborate visitor center at the trust campus near Easter Lake, said spokesman Al Setka. Last year's campus flooding, which caused $1.2 million in damage, led to a virtual ban on construction at the site by federal agencies who are sorting out flood risks there.

“Great Ape Trust appreciates the efforts by Mark Vukovich and the Blank Park Zoo board of directors. We know this was a difficult decision for them,” said James Aipperspach, director of operations at Great Ape Trust. “It was always the hope of our founder Ted Townsend to keep the orangutans in his hometown, however, the welfare of these marvelous creatures must remain our highest priority.”

A group of bonobos and related research will remain at the Des Moines campus.

A facility for 11 orangutans would cost $12 million to $18 million.

The city of Des Moines recently raised the possibility of selling the zoo, which has been studying an expansion for years.
The Great Ape Website


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