
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How You Can Help The Jane Goodall Institute Raise Funds For The Chimpanzees



How you can help JGI too

Recycle your old mobile phone/s!

How can you do you bit for the environment and help JGI raise more funds? It’s easy! Just send your old mobile phone/s to: FREEPOST, ShP Charity, Citylab, 4-6 Dalton Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 1PP.

Please ensure the contents are marked ‘For the benefit of the Jane Goodall Institute UK’ registered charity no: 327858 or check the following web link for further instructions:

There are many other ways that you can help us raise the funds necessary to continue our work. Here are some ideas:

Hold a coffee morning or cheese and wine party
Arrange a jumble sale, table-top sale, car boot sale, bazaar or fete
Recycle your old mobile phone/s. For more information read below.
Organise a sponsored run, swim, cycle, silence, car-clean, litter pick-up etc.
Ask a local school/business to adopt us as their charity for a term/year
Have a quiz night
Or, if you prefer, think of your own idea.
We can arrange for Jane Goodall merchandise to be available at your event on a sale or return basis, though you would need to pick up from and quickly return the boxes of goods to our office in Southampton. Alternatively we can send a parcel to you, but in this case you would be responsible for postage, insurance and packaging costs for both sending the goods to you and returning unsold items to us. (This cost could then be deducted from the amount you raise and forward to us.)

If you require any help or advice, please do not hesitate to call us.

Please consider making a donation to the Jane Goodall Institute UK through the GlobalGiving website.

Only about 150,000 chimpanzees remain in the wild today compared to 2 million in the 1900s. The main threats to their survival are greater demand for agricultural and living spaces for people, logging, bushmeat poaching and capture of young chimpanzees for the pet trade. We work to intercept and report this activity and provide veterinary care and a safe home for chimpanzees that are caught up in these activities and can do this by working with local communities to support their needs too.

The Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Centre in Congo - one of our three sanctuaries - provides a safe home and rehabilitation for 140 chimpanzees under the care of the Jane Goodall Institute. It is the largest chimpanzee sanctuary in Africa.

Kauka was brought to Tchimpounga having been rescued from a local market where he was being sold as a pet. On arrival at the Sanctuary Rebeca Atencia, Tchimpounga’s veterinarian, found that Kauka was suffering severe respiratory problems, high fever, diarrhoea, parasites, lice, malnourishment and dehydration. He was immediately put on a course of antibiotics and in a couple of days he showed a vast improvement. He is now thriving.


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