
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mamie Manneh Tried To Sneak In 720Lbs of Monkey Meat And Has 11 Prior Arrests

Where has our legal system gone? So many wrong things about this. This woman sounds as though she is very sick and shouldn't be a member of society. Her poor children.


A federal judge sentenced a Staten Island mother of eight to probation for smuggling monkey meat into the country.

Citing her large family — and three other children she is currently raising in her home — Federal Judge Raymond Dearie ruled that Mamie Manneh shouldn't be put behind bars for illegally trying to sneak 720 pounds of bushmeat including limbs, skulls and torsos from baboons and green monkeys in boxes labeled "African dresses and smoked fish" through customs three years ago. "If you do it again, whether you have 11 children or 32, you will not be spared a federal prison sentence," the judge warned.

Manneh, who has 11 prior arrests including one for running over her husband's suspected mistress with an SUV, argued it was her Constitutional right to bring monkey meat into the United States. Her lawyers claimed she needed to eat monkey during certain religious ceremonies for her syncretic faith, which merges Christian and African traditions. A judge shot down those arguments, stating that Manneh should have applied for the necessary permits to import exotic foods. Prosecutors — and even renowned monkey expert Jane Goodall — said Manneh should be put behind bars for as long as 27 months.


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