
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Crussh supports Orangutan Awareness Week

Nov 09, 2009
– Crussh (www.crussh.com), the country’s leading juice,
smoothie and healthy-eating company, is supporting Orangutan Awareness Week (9th-15th November) by donating 50p from every fresh Orange juice it sells to The Orangutan Foundation.

Supported throughout all Crussh’s 24 stores for one week, the healthy eating company is helping The Orangutan Foundation raise awareness for the plight of the endangered animals and is asking its customers to show their support for the international campaign, which hopes to help save the lives of over 50,000 wild Orangutans.

With deforestation and permanent agriculture destroying the Orangutan’s natural habitat, experts warn that the magnificent apes are in serious danger of becoming extinct, if drastic action is not taken to protect them.

With charity and the environment integral to Crussh’s core values, the company is continually offering its commitment to vital causes that help protect the world’s habitat, and has enlisted its support in a long line of environmental initiatives.

Christopher Fung, MD, Crussh comments, “Crussh is dedicated to a vision of making the world a healthier and better place and we are thrilled to be able to show our commitment to this, by supporting The Orangutan Foundation and National Orangutan Awareness Week. Every 50p we donate will help to save the lives of these spectacular creatures and we’re immensely proud to be a part of that.”

The Orangutan Foundation comments, “The Orangutan foundation is essential in helping to save Asia's endangered great apes by protecting their tropical forest habitat and working with local communities to promote research and education. As a charity, we can’t do this alone and rely on the support from companies like Crussh to help keep us going. We’re incredibly grateful for Crussh’s support and to its customers, who will be making such a difference to our vital campaign”.


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