
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dan Burke and The Humane Society Trying To Ban Primates, Monkeys and Apes, From Being Owned In Illinois

This is a very positive step in protecting our primates from being owned by people. If everyone would write to Rep. Dan Burke in Illinois, or to their state representative more people would want this bill to go through. More so than private owners objecting to it. Each state needs to change their laws, one by one, until all states have the law that it is illegal to own any type of Primate. Then hopefully the senate bill will go through!
At the top of this blog there is a link to each state's representative, where you can write to. I thank you in advance. Help us help the primates, they can't help themselves. All it takes is an e-mail.

That’s why one state lawmaker and the Humane Society of the United States want to ban Illinoisans from keeping primates as pets.
Legislation introduced this week would keep anyone in Illinois from owning a monkey or ape. The exceptions would be zoos, circuses and scientific labs.
The Humane Society argues that while monkeys and apes are cuddly when they’re young, they can grow up to be a handful. And they can carry diseases humans can also get, including Herpes B, salmonella, tuberculosis, and monkey pox.
“People don’t know how to take care of primates,” said Jordan Matyas, Illinois director of the Humane Society.
Ken Walker, an exotic-pet broker from Paxton, mostly agrees that a lot of people don’t know what they’re getting into when they think about getting a pet primate. But he says banning ownership is “ridiculous” and suggested some pet owners could protest the legislation.
“There are people out there who are qualified to work with them,” Walker said.
He suggested perhaps requiring disease testing of the primates. And Walker said anyone interested in owning them needs to educate themselves first.
He said some primates can live 40 years and bite later in their lives.
“I think it takes a special person to own them correctly,” Walker said.
The legislation was introduced by state Rep. Dan Burke, D-Chicago. It won’t be debated at least until February. Twenty other states ban primate ownership already.
“I’m convinced it’s a good public safety initiative,” said Burke.
Burke’s plan wouldn’t force people who already own primates to get rid of them. If the proposal is eventually approved, owners would have to register the animal with local authorities.
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk, a congressman from Highland Park, sponsored federal legislation last year that would bar people from moving a primate across state lines. The measure was approved by the U.S. House but has not become law.
Burke said he hopes to push his ban through this year.
“It’s up to me to persuade my colleagues that it’s serious,” Burke said.
The legislation is House Bill 4801.


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