A quote from Jeanne Rizzotto "I've been fortunate enough that I have not had an incident." which can be found on this link
I find it very ODD, that nothing has come about this situation as far as the "proof" that someone let these chimps out.
I have a personal experience with this. A few hours after the whole escape and biting I received an e-mail from one of Jeanne Rizzotto's friends, her name is Sharon. In this e-mail she called me all sorts of vial names and accused me of driving to Montana and letting Jeanne's Chimpanzees out. Now, this was even before it hit all of the papers, so at the time I didn't know what this was about. I e-mailed this Sharon person and told her that she must have sent this e-mail to the wrong person. I then recieved another horrible e-mail from her. I do have these e-mails if the authority requests them.
Now lets see, I had placed my chimpanzees because I was afraid that they would escape, get shot or hurt or kill someone. I have never met Jeanne Rizzotto, nor have any idea where she lives. I at the time lived in MD. I would NEVER EVER put any chimpanzee in danger, nor would I put the public in danger. Jeanne always seems to want to blame others for her short comings.
Just the other day I recieved another nasty e-mail from Jeanne Rizzotto, because I posted the articles about her here on this library. I look at this as education, and history in the making. If someone doesn't want an article posted they should stay out of the media, in my opinion.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Vandals Let Chimps Escape, Bite Woman

The incident began late Monday afternoon with a call to police that a chimp was running down a road between Roberts and Boyd. Barely half an hour later, a second call came in, reporting that a chimpanzee had bit a woman.
Carbon County Sheriff's Deputy Jon Croft, who was called to the scene, declined to comment saying the incident is under investigation. He did confirm the chimpanzee is currently under quarantine with a second chimp at the owner's residence between near Roberts.
The owner, Jeanne Rizzotto, is a real estate agent who has raised the two chimpanzees like her children. She said the escape was the result of vandalism.
"Someone cut my locks and let them out in the highway," she said.
Rizzotto said law enforcement is currently reviewing video tape taken by the security cameras she has on site. The chimps live in a 7,000-square-foot enclosure that includes a 2,800-square-foot indoor facility connecting into Rizzotto's home from a breezeway. Both have their own beds and wear pajamas. One can dress himself and is toilet-trained.
Rizzotto denied that either of the chimps - Connor and Kramer are both roughly six years old and weigh about 75 pounds - had bitten anyone. The victim, however, was taken to Beartooth Hospital in Red Lodge for treatment, according to dispatchers.
Carbon County Attorney Bob Eddleman said this is not the first time there has been talk of one of the chimps biting someone. But, it is the first time he's aware that has been reported to law enforcement.
Rizzotto said she was alerted to the chimps' escape after returning home from Red Lodge. Her son retrieved one chimp from a field nearby and they discovered the other at a neighbor's residence. She said , the officer pointed a gun at the chimp, but Rizzotto stepped in front of the gun, picked up the chimp and returned to her property.
Don "Doc" Woerner of the Laurel East Pet Hospital serves as a veterinarian for ZooMontana. He described the situation as "almost unbelievable." He said a chimp bite could be compared to a human bite for its potential to transmit disease.
"It's about the worst bite you can get, much worse than a dog," he said.
The chimps are currently being quarantined for rabies, which is unlikely, he said. But there is a potential for herpes or other infections. He believed the chimps had limited veterinary care in the past.
Dr. Eric Klaphake, who also serves as a veterinarian for ZooMontana, said he advised a tetanus shot for the victim and a broad spectrum of antibiotics to address the varied bacteria that could be present.
Klaphake, who has worked with chimps and other primates at several large zoos, said chimps have a tendency to do damage when they want to.
"They literally chew fingers off, chew noses off and attack the genitalia in men," he said.
They also have a tendency to retaliate, he said. While working at the Knoxville Zoo in Tennessee, he darted the resident chimps to prepare them for their annual physical exams. Two years after he had left the zoo, he returned as a visitor. Even in the midst of a group of other visitors, the male chimps immediately picked him out, came up to the fence and made threatening gestures, he said.
"Of all of the animals I've had under my care, my worst nightmares are about chimps getting loose," he said. "I'd almost rather face a tiger or polar bear."
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