
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mountain Gorilla Video

This is a video of the Humba family of mountain gorillas - one of the 6 habituated families in Congo’s Gorilla Sector. Humba now has 12 individuals in his family. You may recall he is the brother of Senkwekwe, the Silverback who was murdered in July 2007 (and after whom we named Ndeze and Ndakasi’s new forest home).

Now that tourism is gradually coming back to the area, Humba gets visited a few times a week by outsiders. It is not just the Rangers anymore! But he is a calm Silverback - and his family is also relaxed and peaceful as you can see in this short clip.
You will notice that this video is shot with an HD camera (it is better quality than some of our past footage). The Rangers who patrol the Gorilla Sector have all received training in filming, and how to use HD cameras, so they take cameras out on a daily basis now as part of their routine.


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