
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Did Jeanne Rizzotto's Chimpanzees, Connor and Kramer Bit People? Ms. Rizzotto Says They Didn't

Chimps monkey around in Boyd
By Alastair Baker
News Editor
Two chimps, belonging to Jeanne Rizzotto, got loose from their
enclosed compound at her home along Highway 212, near Boyd,
Nov. 10, and preceded to monkey around a neighboring yard.
One of the chimps, called Conner, also bit a female trying
to prevent it from entering a home according to Carbon County
Under Sheriff Dan McJunkin.
The woman, Jo Downing, was taken to the Beartooth 
Hospital in Red Lodge for treatment to her right arm 
which had lost 6 - 8 inches of skin.
The incident occurred between 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Downing was staying at the home of Pat and Art
Plowman in Boyd and told the Plowman’s that the t
wo chimps “were chasing cats up the trees,
swinging on the house, and getting into cars and trucks.”
According to information Plowman received from
Downing, Rizzotto and three Carbon County Sheriff
deputies came by to get the chimps.

“It was very quiet. They assumed the chimps had
gone back to their cage and went to check for damage
on the vehicles when one chimp tried to get into my
house on the other side. Downing went to stop him
and pushed on the door and he latched on to her arm,”
said Plowman.

One of the chimps was also seen crossing Highway
212 during this time.

Bob Eddleman, Carbon County Attorney, allowed
Conner, the older male, to be quarantined back at
Rizzotto’s residence where he can be looked after
properly. The other chimp, Cramer, is also there.

The Carbon County Sheriff’s department is still
investigating how the two chimps escaped from
the compound they live in.


 Ms. Rizzotto's quote;

"I've been fortunate enough that I 

have not had an incident." 

which can be found on this link

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