
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alan Green and Animal Underworld Part 2

Please begin with the post called "Introduction to Alan Green and Animal Underworld" under this same category and go from there- Thank you

Today's subject is the R Zoo
  • R Zoo was owned by Mark Schoebel
  • Evidence was gathered by US Fish & Wiildlife that revealed Schoebel supplied bears to the owners of an IL game farm who were charged with shooting the animals, dismembering, and decapitating them. They would pack the carcasses in dry ice and shipped via NY to Korea.
  • Every year he would farm out the babies to Reston Animal Park which led to the Zoos (AZA and others) for their crowd pleasing babies for the visitors to see.
  • He had a relationship with the Irvine Park Zoo in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.
  • Schoebel would arrive at the Irvine Park Zoo to pick up some of the babies of the adults that he had on loan to this Zoo.
  • The US Fish and Wildlife declared for a 2 yr period R Zoo bought 74 bears but sold 132. Where did the other 58 bears come from.
  • Schoebel also owned a fur farm.
  • Schoebel contributed to can shoots whereas the animals are put in a 5 acre pen, hunted and killed.
  • Schoebel took delivery of 1400 prairie dogs which he sent to pet stores and Medical research labs.
  • He claimed he had 8,000 baby animals for sale.
  • He worked with the Racine Zoo and Duluth's Lake Superior Zoo which are both AZA Zoos.
  • The Wisconsin Zoo protected Schoebel because he would take their aging, unwanted surplus of animals.

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