
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Orangutan Mum gives a personal showing of her baby to a 7 year old girl at the Melbourne Zoo

I received a wonderful story today as a comment and felt as though it needed attention by posting it. The baby Orangutan and the mom both live at the MELBOURNE Zoo

Story-(comment made on a post about Baby Dewi in the zoo category here on this blog)

We were at the zoo a few days before Christmas (so about 1 and 1/2 weeks before this story and we were standing all about on the viewing platform looking for the orangutans... we couldn't see any until the mum climbed up from below and stood before us only a few feet from the glass presenting her baby . She stood there for several minutes until a small crowd gathered and then she wandered off (still up on the raised platform) to the back corner and prepared a little bed with her straw... wow it was amazing to witness and hear about. My daughter (71/2) was where she appeared in front of at first ... she stood in awe as others gathered ... It was like she came up especially to show Brigid, my daughter, her baby and then other people were drawn to the scene. Of course I didn't catch any of it on camera and I myself only saw the last few glimpses before she wandered off to make her bed as I was a late arrival on the scene. We went to the souvenir shop to buy a baby orangutan souvenir and were told that they didn't have any good photos of the baby yet as 'she hadn't presented'... So we truly feel very lucky!!! Our lowly story never made it to the international news but, wow, it was amazing. I just wanted to share it with anyone and everyone anyway. Brigid has always had very lucky and happy zoo experiences.... I wonder if the mummy orangutan 'sensed' my little girls special light presence and decided to come forward to her?



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