
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, February 7, 2011


The Houston Chronicle

October 18, 1992

Wayward chimp returns

The owner of a chimpanzee that escaped, bit a 15-year-old boy and threw his 77-year-old grandmother to the ground says there will be no more monkey business from the animal.

Sydney, a 180-pound chimp who escaped Monday, is back in his cage to stay, says Karen Glass, who with her husband owns the Sunrise Ranch at Dripping Springs where the chimp has lived for about a year.

""Everything is just under control now. Everyone is doing fine and it won't happen again,'' Glass said Tuesday. ""He just bent the bars and got out, and there weren't any major injuries. ''

The boy was treated for a bite to the hand at a minor emergency clinic, and his grandmother received facial injuries from being pushed to the ground.

Sheriff's deputies and an animal control officer were able to get the animal back to the ranch, where it went back into the cage on its own.

""He didn't really like being out all that much either,'' Glass said.


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