
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby Orangutan born at the Twycross Zoo

Atherstone, UK - Twycross Zoo is very excited to announce the birth of their first baby orangutan in the zoo since 2004. The baby was born on Monday 24th January just a little after 11am to mother, Maliku and father, Batu. Both mother and baby are both doing well and have been successfully reintroduced to the rest of the orangutan community at the Zoo.

Maliku is so attached to her new baby, that the keeper and vet team at Twycross Zoo have not yet been able to name the baby as they are not 100% sure on its sex. Mum has been keeping her baby so closely wrapped in her arms that the team have been unable to get a proper look yet.
Excitement at the birth of this latest addition to the World Primate Centre is enhanced by the rarity of orangutan births. The slowest breeding of all primates, orangutans have one of the longest inter-birth intervals of any land-based mammal at about 8 years. Babies are then dependent on their mothers for at least five years resulting in fewer births per female. This birth therefore sees a very welcome and important addition to Twycross Zoo’s animal collection and the conservation of this magnificent species.

“We’re really pleased with the healthy birth of this baby orangutan.” Said Sharon Redrobe, Director of Life Sciences “All births at the Zoo are a real achievement for us, but this one especially given the rarity of the orangutan and our dedication to conservation. This year Twycross Zoo is raising funds for the EAZA Great Ape campaign to help the continued survival of apes and their habitats and the arrival of this new member of our ape community will really champion our efforts.”
This birth takes the Zoo’s orangutan community to 5.

Twycross Zoo, now in its 48th year, has grown from a comparatively small collection to become one of Britain’s major zoos. Working towards advancements in animal welfare, conservation and education, Twycross Zoo is an organisation that is dedicated to make a significant and meaningful difference to the region, its 500,000 annual visitors and the global ecology.

Twycross Zoo is open 364 days a year from 10am ’till 4pm in winter then 5.30pm in summer. http://www.twycrosszoo.org/

To view Twycross Zoo's web page on Zoo and Aquarium Visitor, go to: http://www.zandavisitor.com/forumtopicdetail-712-Twycross_zoo
Story credit here

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