
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tomorrow is the superbowl and the cruel treatment of chimpanzees start again

Hello readers,
As you know the Superbowl is tomorrow. We all love those "special" commercials that the companies work hard on to bring the viewers attention to their products. HOWEVER, this year a company by the name of Career Builders will be showing their commercials of Chimpanzees acting like Humans. Now, this company had already agreed with PETA years ago that they would not use chimps in the future. This was a well known fact and spread around the Internet.  If Career Builders can't keep their word, then why would anyone go to them for a job? I wouldn't trust them. Some viewers may find these funny, but those of us that know what these chimps have to go through in order for one commercial to be aired think this is awful!. Not just the work on set that they have to do, but the beatings beforehand and during the shootings of these commercials. Lets not forget about how they live either.

There will be one chimp in this commercial by the name of Noah. I met Noah when he was just 1 month old, owned by Gini Valbuena who insisted that I hold him. (I will post that photo along with others in the article). Gini Valbuena has bought and dumped Chimps for 40+ years now. (you can read about her on this blog) I will post  poor little Noah's sad life story so far. I believe he is only 7 years old. This is just one chimps story that will be in these commercials. I have seen the way Noah was raised, then transferred to another person and yet the last person, which is Steve Martin of Steve Martins working wildlife in CA. Those chimps live in barren cages, outside all year long, no enrichment, no families, nothing to look forward to except to be taken out of a cage and made to do unnatural things. Imagine trying to get your child at the age of 3 to do actions 15-20 times each, and work 12+ hours a day. That's what it's like for these chimps. I know, I have been there, have walked out on many sets. One comes to mind. Trained the chimp for the actions they wanted. We arrived and started shooting. The chimp was suppose to sit at the table and throw food. The script changed and they wanted the chimp to jab himself in the ear over and over again with a fork. I argued with the production crew, did not get the results I wanted, so the chimp and I left.

Please come back and visit and watch Noah's life history.


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Your website is a good source of information on the topic of chimpanzees in entertainment.
    I called Careerbuilders and let them know what I think of their new advertising tack. I am also urging everyone else to contact them. This ad was already made, but I hope they'll think twice about doing this again.

  2. Dear Anon;
    Aw thank you for the compliment about my site. I try hard to keep people up to date on things. I'm always hoping that readers can help the Primates in some way, any way.

    You took a great step today by calling Careerbuilders, thank you from me and the chimps. This is what these companies need. After all it the people that in a round about way pay their salaries by using them.

    I really hope they don't do this again next year, it really is awful for the chimps.

    Check back tomorrow to learn about Noah, poor little Noah who now gets chains around his neck and around his ankle.
