
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, February 28, 2011

G&D Ice Cream launching ice cream to help the Orangutans

A NEW ice cream set to raise cash for orangutans promises to be the “King of the Zingers”.

G&D ice cream parlours have linked up with Cowley Road charity Sumatran Orangutan Society to launch a one-off flavour, Zingy Mandarin, for conservation work abroad. Twenty pence from every £2.10 scoop will go to the charity.

The launch, at their St Aldate’s store, left shoppers bemused as a giant cow and an oversized orangutan danced hand-in-hand through the city centre.

G&D production manager Marcus Allen said: “I have been making ice cream for so long I get quite blasé about it, but I’m really pleased with this new flavour.

“I’ve tried to use oranges in the past, and never quite got it right, but this is terrific.”

The charity works in Sumatra, an island in western Indonesia, to help restore rainforest and set up “conservation villages” which protect habitats and provide sustainable income for the population.

Story Credit Here

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