
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Authorities Want Montana Chimpanzees removed

RED LODGE, Mont. – A showdown is under way between the local county government and Jeanne Rizzotto, who has two chimpanzees. The county authorities want the chimps moved or, at least, put into a sanctuary run by professionals with primate experience. They are threatening to seek a court injunction, forcing her to give up the chimps. The Carbon County News says that after a recent hearing, a defiant Rizzotto told reporters it wasn’t going to happen. “The chimps would be removed over my dead body,” she said.

The chimps have appeared on both the “Today” show and “Nightly News.” They have also escaped, and the last escape resulted in what the newspaper describes as an attack on one of her neighbors. As well, county officials say, Rizzotto has acknowledged in the past that she couldn’t “count how many times” her chimps have bitten someone.

Bottom line: the county wants the chimps strictly quarantined. Failing that, they want to move the chimps to a sanctuary run by professionals with primate experience."


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