
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chimpanzee, Stillborn

The Little Rock Zoo today announced a stillborn chimpanzee.


LITTLE ROCK (April 18, 2009) – A baby chimpanzee was stillborn at the Little Rock Zoo Friday afternoon.
The stillborn baby was born to Judy, a 39-year-old chimpanzee living at the Little Rock Zoo since 1988.
Late in the afternoon on Thursday keepers noticed that Judy was uncomfortable and was likely going into labor. It was apparent by Friday morning that Judy was in full labor. Keepers monitoring the birth say the birth process was normal and that Judy did everything she should have done as a mother to clean and care for the baby after it was born. However, the newborn never took a breath.
Judy has given birth five times before, one of which produced a set of twins, Mahale and Koba. Mahale still lives at the Little Rock Zoo and is expecting her first child in October or November.
Although saddened at the loss of the baby, Judy’s keepers are still optimistic.
“Everything happens for a reason and we’re optimistic that Mahale will have a healthy baby and that Judy will take a role in the rearing of the child,” said great ape keeper, Anne Rademacher.
Keepers say Judy is showing signs of good health following the birth of the stillborn Friday afternoon.
Necropsy results on the stillborn were not available at the time of this release.


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