
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Armani, The Monkey Bites Reporter After Long Court Case of Ownership

November 3, 2008 - 3:31pm
It took Armani quite a while to vote. (WTOP File Photo)
ROCKVILLE, Md. - Armani, the infamous capuchin monkey, took a crack at picking the winner of the Race for the White House and ended up biting a WTOP reporter.

Before Armani cast a ballot for Barack Obama, the monkey lunged off its owner Elyse Gazewitz's shoulder and bit the reporter's finger.

The reporter at the time was getting recording equipment from a table. The reporter is fine after being treated in a hospital emergency room, given a tetanus shot and antibiotics.

The tiny capuchin monkey became a celebrity last year when animal control seized him and sent him to the Catoctin Zoo. Armani's owner got him back after a long custody court trial.


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