
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Armani the Monkey Taken From Owner, Elise Gazewitz

Pet Capuchin Monkey, Armani, Taken From Maryland Woman
Armani is a pet capuchin monkey belonging to Elyse Gazewitz. She has had him for over a year. Elyse is a groomer for disabled animals in Rockville, according to MSNBC. Ms. Gazewitz made it a point to say on Friday that Armani was learning to comb the animals.

WJZ Channel 13 in Maryland reported that Gazewitz even had a $4,000 addition built onto her home for Armani. She equipped it with toys, a tire swing and even a little hammock for him

to sleep in.

Armani was seized by authorities last week who claimed that his presence violated a state law concerning keeping, breeding, selling or importing "non-human primates". This includes monkeys. The law went into affect October 1, 2006. According to Channel 13 WJZ, the law does make exceptions for animals that were purchased prior to March 31, 2006.

Gazewitz told reporters on MSNBC, Friday, that she has documentation showing she got the monkey prior to May 31, 2006.

A hearing for this case is set for June 6, 2007.

During the interview with MSNBC, Ms. Gazewitz broke down several times. She said that even taking a shower is difficult because Armani would come into the shower and "put his little hand on the glass".

Gazewitz went on to say that she was handcuffed and taken to the police station. She said the pet monkey was screaming when they took him.

During the interview, Gazewitz said that Armani could not stand to be away from her. She said he would scream and curl up into the fetal position until she returned.

In a different account, reported by Katherine Shaver of the Washington Post, Gazewitz was issued 6 civil citations.

Two of the offenses concern Gazewitz's actions when authorities showed up to seize the monkey.

Gazewitz was fined $1,800 and $1,344 for boarding fees. Gazewitz's attorney, Anne Benaroya, said that her client was filing an appeal.

The pet monkey will not be euthanized during the appeal process, according to the Washington Post.

The Washington Post reported that Gazewitz says she bought Armani from a breeder in Florida for $6,500. She claims this was shortly after he was born on May 9, 2006.


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