
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stop Animal Testing In Labs

Virtual march - final call for cyber marchers
As the EU Council of Ministers prepares to finalise decisions on the revision of Directive 86/609 on animal experiments, we're making preparations to present your Make Animal Testing History pledges in Brussels. We have over 58,000 people marching with us in cyber space and only a few weeks left to influence decision-makers. This has been a fantastic achievement but we'd love to reach the target of 60,000 marchers and we hope you can help us achieve that.

Urgent e-action:

Can you think of at least five new people - family, friends, colleagues - you could email today and invite to join the Make Animal Testing History virtual march? One final effort from all our supporters really could make all the difference and help achieve better protection for animals as well as progress towards the replacement of animal experiments with modern non-animal methods. Email five people today and ask them to join at www.makeanimaltestinghistory.org/march

Lobbying update

Now that the summer recess is over, the revision of Directive 86/609 is gathering political momentum. That means our efforts to influence politicians in the coming months are more important than ever.

Currently, EU Member State experts are discussing their respective positions, and soon the Council is set to begin negotiations with Members of the European Parliament*. If the process runs smoothly, the new EU law on animal experiments could be agreed before the end of this year. This is why we want to present your Make Animal Testing History pledges now, and why we need you to help get even more people marching if you possibly can.

Thank you for your support so far and we look forward to reporting back from Brussels and Strasbourg.

* The Council of Ministers, which represents the governments of EU member countries, and the European Parliament, which more directly represents EU voters, have to agree on the new law before it can be adopted.

Supporting Make Animal Testing History
We are very grateful for the generous support of the following animal advocacy groups: Advocates for Animals, AgireOra, Anima (Denmark), Animal Aid, ARAN, Association of Friends of Animals Greece, Djurens Ratt (Sweden), Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany, Eurogroup for Animals, the Finnish Society for the Protection of Animals (SEY), Fondation Brigitte Bardot (France), Forska Utan Djurförsök (Sweden), Fundación Altarriba, Jane Goodall Foundation (UK), Juliana von Wendt Fund (Finland), Landsforeningen Forsøgsdyrenes Værn (Denmark), Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance, One Voice (France), Uncaged, Verein gegen Tierfabriken (Austria) and VERO as well as loads more local animal groups and individual supporters.

Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research,
18 Market Place, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DS, United Kingdom.

Privacy Policy - Make Animal Testing History is committed to protecting your privacy and security. Whenever you provide personal information, we will treat that information in accordance with this policy, current UK Data Protection legislation and internet best practice. This information will only be used by Make Animal Testing History.

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