
The Little Rock Zoo

.The Little Rock Zoo needs to step up and care for the animals better! Please read the several artciles here with deaths, sickness and a bald chimp!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Websites That Promote Private Ownership of Monkeys, Shame on You

The 2 following websites promote Private Ownership of Monkeys
These are NOT myths, just private owners condoning the ability to keep their monkeys as pets. Of course Monkeys are no longer brought into the Pet trade from the wild, they are breed, taken from their mothers and sold to private owners at the expense between $ 5,000-$8,500.00 Notice how the monkey shown is still a baby. What happens when they reach sexual maturity?
This happens:

Audio Tape of a Monkey Bite.

Or the following source listed under : "That didn't turn out

to good"


"That didn't turn out so good"

The young woman whose hand is pictured

here says: "I thought

Kaylie was the perfect child. I bottle-raised

her from infancy.

She slept with me, went to do shopping

errands with me and

was part of the family. When she was a

baby capuchin, I would

never have imagined that as a three-year-old

Kaylie would attack

me with no warning."

"The nerves in my hand and wrist were

so severely severed that

I will likely never regain use of my hand

despite all of the surgeries

I have endured."

"Kaylie lost her life. She was euthanized

by authorities.

Anyone who acquires a monkey thinking

it will be a

suitable pet is embarking upon a tragic

journey… painful and


This nine-year-old Montgomery County,

Texas boy

was playing in his yard when he was

suddenly attacked

by a neighbor's 'pet' macaque monkey.

Of the attack, the boy says, "The

monkey started jumping.

He got this arm, then he jumped

to this arm and started

yanking, and going back and forth

to a leg and both my

arms, like, taking turns on all of them."

[Source: ABC 13 Eyewitness News]

These wounds were caused by a small

female monkey

which had been considered a "sweet loving pet"

for eight years.

These wounds were caused by a toothless
and "fixed"
capuchin monkey. The woman whose leg
is shown to
the left wrote: I am sending you a picture
of what Boomer
(a capuchin) did to me last week and also
to tell you that
you were so right when you told me
removing the teeth is
no safe guard against getting hurt.
As you can see, I was
hurt from head to toe by him. I don't
know why he got
mad, he just attacked for no reason
I can figure out. He was
neutered at 9 months so it was not
hormones! I didn't take
anything away from him, he just all the
sudden jumped on me
before I even knew what was happening.
I remember you telling
me you can take the teeth and testicles
out of a monkey but not
the wild instinct. Now he is alone in a
cage and I fear him.

These wounds, caused by a young female macaque
monkey, were only a few of the wounds sustained
in a single attack by a woman who was attempting
to keep the monkey as a 'pet'.
Note: The monkey who inflicted these wounds
has no canine teeth.
Source and more Information

Paris Hilton attacked by monkeys

Paris Hilton has been attacked by her pet monkey.The sexy socialite was out shopping buying lingerie with her new primate pet, Baby Luv, in Los Angeles on Saturday (12-05-05), when the animal went bananas.According to reports, the monkey bit Paris and clawed at her face as she entered the Agent Provocateur shop with the simian on her shoulder. Luckily, the 'Simple Life' star managed to pull the monkey off her face and then hooked Baby Luv on a leash which she attached to a cabinet so she could shop in peace.


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